Salutogenesis Psychohygiene

Duration: 4 days / 28 hours:
Feb 10th / Feb 24th / März 01st / March 24th  2024

Costs: CHF 600.-

Language: German

German at least B2 level

In this course participants will be introduced to the basics of salutogenesis and stress management.

We will explore the basic concepts of stress using various theories, with newer models taking into account both psychological effects and physical health. These theories place particular emphasis on the importance of resources in coping with stress.

A central focus is on understanding how self-awareness, as a continuous process of adaptation to change, is a fundamental prerequisite for self-regulation.

In the area of mental hygiene, not only strategies for processing acute stressful impressions are taught, but also long-term approaches to minimize their effects and deal with them better.

The work-life balance is of great importance nowadays. We will look at how to balance and respect responsibilities towards family, personal mental health and work commitments, taking into account flexible boundaries and changing constants.

For more information please contact us here:


Vanessa Alvarado

Master of Science in Psychology, CAS Diversity and
Equality Competence