Group Work

05. September 2025

Duration: 2 days / 14 hours

Dates: September 05th / September 06th, 2025

Costs: CHF 300.-

Language: German, English on request

In this course you will deal with the theoretical background of group work. A special focus is on the effective factors according to Irvin Yalom and Marian Chace, the formation and structure of a group as well as its development. You will learn about group processes in their phases as well as in relation to cohesion and the emergence of norms, roles and defense phenomena. You will also learn how to structure a therapy session in a group-specific way and how to deal with conflicts and crises in a group. Finally, you will reflect your own role as a group leader.

This work is based on the group work by Marian Chace.

This work is based on the group work according to Marian Chace

For more information, please contact us here:


Ariane Konrad

Philosopher M.A., Dance Movement Therapist DGT
Trauma Therapist NARMĀ® Practitioner