Basic Pedagogical Attitudes and Concepts- Norms and Val-ues in Education-Social and Special Education (HFP M2)

04. October 2024

Duration: 4 days / 24 hours

Dates: October 4th / October 18th / November 1st / November 8th   2023
Inclusive art pedagogical concept

Language: German Level B2

Costs course incl. guided self-study time (1:1 coaching): CHF 780.-
Cost of oral examination (colloquium) course: CHF 200.-
Cost of written exam (whole M2 only): CHF 200.-

All as part of module examination M2

Course content

  • Pedagogical behaviour
  • Goals and measures in educational support
  • Behavioural problems (ADHD, aggression, reading and spelling difficulties, anxiety)
  • Special and social education: children and adults with disabilities (sensory, physical and mental disabilities)
  • Art education

Together with

  • Values and norms

For more information, please contact us here:


Kaya Eng

Master of Arts in Mediation of Art and Design with teaching diploma, FHNW HGK, Basel, FHNW PH, Muttenz