Organisational and operational management (HFP M7)

19. September 2025

Course duration. 28 hours, 4 days

Sept 19th / Sept 26th / Oct 10th  / Oct 17 2025

Language: German Level B2

Costs course incl. guided self-study time (1:1 coaching) CHF 780.-
Cost of oral examination (colloquium) CHF 200.-
Cost of model work assignment CHF 130.-
Cost of oral examination on practical management CHF 200.-
Cost of oral demonstration of practical management CHF 130.-

All as part of module examination M7


Course content

Finance and insurance

  • Financing banking, investment, bank credit
  • Insurance: Personal and social insurance, property insurance, liability insurance from a business perspective
  • Taxation: direct and indirect taxes, tax assessment and accounting
  • Accounting: Fundamentals, annual financial statements Company forms and commercial register
  • Business management conditions for practice management

Insurance: Personal and social insurance, property insurance, liability insurance from a business perspective

  • Legal system and contracts: ZGB, OR contract law, labour law, assignment and limitation of claims, debt collection and bankruptcy law
  • Health and social services law
  • Organisation and strategy: basic principles of the rules of procedure, legal conditions of practice management; business management conditions of practice management from a legal perspective

Anina Kuoni

Dr. iur., specialist lawyer SAV labour law