Our lecturers and instructors

Our lecturers are recognized experts in their respective fields. They use their extensive knowledge and many years of experience to design our courses, training seminars and workshops.

The Faculty

Janka Kormos

PhD Candidate - Psychology Doctoral School, University of Pecs
Certified KMP Movement Analyst & Trainer Registered Dance-Movement Therapy, MA (FVB-NVAT)

Stefan Glättli

Dr. med. General Internal Medicine FMH, General Practitioner

Katrin Brandner

Supervisor, Coach and Social Therapist

Michaela Noseck-Licul

Mag. Dr. phil. Cultural Anthropologist / Medical Anthropologist, Lecturer for ethics in health professions

Tina Mantel

Prof. ZFH Choreographer, Dancer, MA in Dance Science, Dance Pedagogue, Coach

Ariane Konrad

Philosopher M.A., Dance Movement Therapist DGT
Trauma Therapist NARM® Practitioner

Esther Böhlcke

Gestalt Sociotherapist, Movement Pedagogue Laura Sheleen

Helen Payne

Professor of Psychotherapy, Dance/movement therapist (BC-DMT), Somatic Psychologist (PhD), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)

Christine Caldwell

PhD, Somatic Psychology. Professor

Marieke Delonnay

Certified Laban Movement Analyst, accredited Dance and Movement Therapist, and accredited Somatic Movement Practitioner

Puspa Agarwalla

Dr. Phil. Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist

Dipl.Psych. Birgit Milz

Federally recognized psychotherapist
Course in Dance / Movement Therapy (Ute Lang/Kedzie Penfield,Berlin)
Diploma in Analytical Psychology C.G.Jung Institute Zurich
EMDR Supervisor (EMDR Europe)
Various further trainings in psychotraumatology, attachment theory and dissociative disorders

Rebecca Barnstaple

International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation
University of Guelph
PhD Dance Studies, Neuroscience Graduate Program
York University, Toronto

Cecilia Fontanesi

Neuroscience PhD, Board Certified Dance Movement Therapist (BC-DMT), Certified Movement Analyst (CMA), Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME).

Michael Gerfin

Prof. Dr., Professor for Economics, University of Bern

Mirsada Turina

Expert in Finance and Accounting

Anina Kuoni

Dr. iur., specialist lawyer SAV labour law

Konstantin Beier

Prof Dr Anatomist and cell biologist

Brigitte Züger

Head of School, Dance Movement Therapist, Swiss Dioloma Kunsttherapie/Dance Movement Therapy