Join Dr. Laurie M. Scherer, NYS licensed psychologist / dancer / educator / community organizer, as she creates a safe, inclusive, creative and supportive virtual space for adults in a 4-week Mindful Movement: DMT + Wellness group series. This weekly 60-minute group fuses Dance/Movement Therapy techniques, evidence-based mindfulness + emotion-regulation practices, and artistic expression to help participants enhance their body awareness, experiment with effective grounding tools, and practice communal-care + self-acceptance, all while cultivating a greater sense of connection and community through movement.
Instructor: Dr. Laurie Scherer, PsyD, MA, MS, R-DMT
Session 1: 14. Januar
Session 2: 21. Januar
Session 3: 28. Januar
Session 4: 4. Februar
Jeweils von 15.15 bis 16.15 CET
Teilnehmer:innen bekommen einen Zoom Link nach der Anmeldung
Kosten: CHF 140.- , Studierende ZOE SCHOOL CHF 70.-